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The pattern part of the printed fabric shows small dots or small lines with deep color

Printing knowledge
2019/11/05 10:39
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On the pattern part of the printed fabric, there are irregular small dots or small lines, called color dots. Reasons: (1) When preparing the printing color paste, the paint color paste is not fully dissolved. The screen mesh of the printing color paste is too large or the squeezing force is too large, so that the undissolved paint particles can pass through the mesh again. Distributed in the printing paste. When the color paste is printed on the fabric, there will be many small darker colored dots in the pattern part, and the larger paint particles that have not been dissolved when the printing paste is stirred form small dark lines when scraped. (2) Pigment printing color paste has been placed for a long time and has precipitated, and some of the paint particles that are bound together will also cause color spots when printed on the fabric with the color paste.
On the pattern part of the printed fabric, there are irregular small dots or small lines, called color dots. Reasons: (1) When preparing the printing color paste, the paint color paste is not fully dissolved. The screen mesh of the printing color paste is too large or the squeezing force is too large, so that the undissolved paint particles can pass through the mesh again. Distributed in the printing paste. When the color paste is printed on the fabric, there will be many small darker colored dots in the pattern part, and the larger paint particles that have not been dissolved when the printing paste is stirred form small dark lines when scraped. (2) Pigment printing color paste has been placed for a long time and has precipitated, and some of the paint particles that are bound together will also cause color spots when printed on the fabric with the color paste.
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